Click here BearBee_ActivitySheets to download for free four activity sheets, courtesy of Bear and Bee! Feel free to make as many copies as you wish and share with your friends, students, patrons, etc.
Click here BearBee_ActivitySheets to download for free four activity sheets, courtesy of Bear and Bee! Feel free to make as many copies as you wish and share with your friends, students, patrons, etc.
Sunday March 10th 1pm-3pm
I share a studio in Gowanus, Brooklyn, with four other authors/illustrators: Sophie Blackall, Brian Floca, Eddie Hemingway, and John Bemelmans Marciano. Do I need to say that they are all lovely and talented? Good.
Anyway: earlier today, Pen & Oink published a post about a recent studio visit. Among the many nice pictures, they also published a panoramic photograph of the studio itself, with everybody feverishly working at their desk, except for Eddie. Where was he when Robin Rosenthal took the picture? I finally solved the mystery: he must have been photoshopped out! Here’s the original photograph before it was retouched.
Please tale a look at Julie Danielson’s new post, with roughs, sketches, and finished art from my two new books.